object FrmEditSig: TFrmEditSig Left = 115 Top = 154 Width = 555 Height = 247 Caption = 'Edit Signatures' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDefaultPosOnly Scaled = False OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object PnlToolbar1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 29 Width = 547 Height = 29 Align = alTop TabOrder = 2 object WPTool: TWPToolBar Left = 202 Top = 1 Width = 257 Height = 27 ParentColor = False UseDockManager = False KeepGroupsTogether = True BevelLines = [] AutoEnabling = True BevelOuter = bvNone WidthBetweenGroups = 4 FontChoice = fsPrinterFonts sel_ListBoxes = [SelFontColor] sel_StatusIcons = [SelBold, SelItalic, SelUnder, SelHyperLink, SelLeft, SelRight, SelCenter] sel_ActionIcons = [] sel_DatabaseIcons = [] sel_EditIcons = [] sel_TableIcons = [] sel_OutlineIcons = [] FontSizeFrom = 8 OnIconSelection = WPToolIconSelection FlatButtons = True ButtonHeight = 0 TrueTypeOnly = False end object cbFontName: TWPopOutFntCBox Left = 2 Top = 4 Width = 128 Height = 22 Hint = 'Choose font' OnClick = cbFontNameClick DropDownCount = 16 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = 15 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = True ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 PanelColor = clSilver MoveUsedToTop = False PopUpWidth = 200 PopUpHeight = 45 FontName = 'MS Sans Serif' end object cbFontSize: TComboBox Left = 134 Top = 4 Width = 69 Height = 22 Hint = 'Choose font size' Style = csDropDownList Ctl3D = False DropDownCount = 12 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = 14 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 14 ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 OnClick = cbFontSizeClick Items.Strings = ( 'Small' 'Medium' 'Large' 'Larger' 'Very large' 'Largest') end end object PnlSig: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 58 Width = 547 Height = 120 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object WPBody: TWPRichText Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 547 Height = 120 Cursor = crIBeam WPStyleCollection = StyleCollection RTFVariables = <> AcceptFiles = False EditBoxModes = [wpemLimitTextWidth] LayoutMode = wplayNormal FormatOptions = [wpfDontBreakTableRows] Header.StoreOptions = [] Header.HTMLStoreOptions = [soAllFontInformation] Header.LoadOptions = [] Header.UsedUnit = UnitIn Header.RoundTabs = True Header.RoundTabsDivForInch = 90 Header.RoundTabsDivForCm = 144 Header.DecimalTabChar = #0 Header.PrintHeaderFooterInPageMargins = True Header.DefaultTabstop = 254 Header.DefaultPageWidth = 12240 Header.DefaultPageHeight = 15840 Header.DefaultTopMargin = 1440 Header.DefaultBottomMargin = 1440 Header.DefaultLeftMargin = 1880 Header.DefaultRightMargin = 1880 Header.DefaultMarginHeader = 720 Header.DefaultMarginFooter = 720 Header.DefaultLandscape = False Header.MarginMirror = False Header.PageWidth = 12240 Header.PageHeight = 15840 Header.LeftMargin = 1880 Header.RightMargin = 1880 Header.TopMargin = 1440 Header.BottomMargin = 1440 Header.MarginHeader = 720 Header.MarginFooter = 720 Header.Landscape = False Header.DefaultPageSize = wp_Custom Header.PageSize = wp_Custom PrintParameter.NumberOfCopies = 1 PrintParameter.PrintTitle = 'E-mail message' PrintParameter.PageMirror = False PrintParameter.PageRange = wprAllPages PrintParameter.PageSides = wpsAll PrintParameter.PrintHeaderFooter = wprNever PrintParameter.PrintHeaderFooterOnLastPage = [wprHeader, wprFooter] PrintParameter.PrintOptions = [] WYSIWYG = False ReadOnly = False OnCharacterAttrChange = WPBodyCharacterAttrChange WPToolBar = WPTool HyperLinkCursor = crDefault TextObjectCursor = crArrow NoBlockMarking = False OneClickHyperlink = False ScreenResMode = rmNormal WordWrap = True TextSaveFormat = 'AUTO' TextLoadFormat = 'AUTO' AutoZoom = wpAutoZoomOff Zooming = 100 Resizing = 100 Inserting = True HTMLStoreComment = shcFootnote HTMLCreateImages = wpciDontCreateImages ViewOptions = [wpGrayTables] ClipboardOptions = [wpcoDontPasteRTF] EditOptions = [wpTableResizing, wpTableOneCellResizing, wpTableColumnResizing, wpObjectMoving, wpObjectResizingWidth, wpObjectResizingHeight, wpObjectResizingKeepRatio, wpObjectSelecting, wpObjectDeletion, wpSpreadsheetCursorMovement, wpActivateUndo, wpActivateUndoHotkey, wpMoveCPOnPageUpDown] BackgroundScrolling = True Transparent = False BackgroundLoadFromFile = True BackgroundSaveToFile = True HighLightColor = clHighlight HighLightTextColor = clHighlightText InsertPointAttr.Bold = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.Italic = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.DoubleUnderline = False InsertPointAttr.Underline = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore InsertPointAttr.Hidden = False InsertPointAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlack InsertPointAttr.TextColor = clRed InsertPointAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack InsertPointAttr.UseUnderlineColor = False InsertPointAttr.UseTextColor = True InsertPointAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False HiddenTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False HiddenTextAttr.Underline = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore HiddenTextAttr.Hidden = True HiddenTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlack HiddenTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack HiddenTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack HiddenTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = False HiddenTextAttr.UseTextColor = False HiddenTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False FieldObjectTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False FieldObjectTextAttr.Underline = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore FieldObjectTextAttr.Hidden = False FieldObjectTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlack FieldObjectTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack FieldObjectTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack FieldObjectTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = False FieldObjectTextAttr.UseTextColor = False FieldObjectTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False AutomaticTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False AutomaticTextAttr.Underline = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore AutomaticTextAttr.Hidden = False AutomaticTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlack AutomaticTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack AutomaticTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack AutomaticTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = False AutomaticTextAttr.UseTextColor = False AutomaticTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False HyperlinkTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore HyperlinkTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore HyperlinkTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False HyperlinkTextAttr.Underline = tsTRUE HyperlinkTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore HyperlinkTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore HyperlinkTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore HyperlinkTextAttr.Hidden = False HyperlinkTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlue HyperlinkTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack HyperlinkTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack HyperlinkTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = True HyperlinkTextAttr.UseTextColor = False HyperlinkTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False ProtectedTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False ProtectedTextAttr.Underline = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore ProtectedTextAttr.Hidden = False ProtectedTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clBlack ProtectedTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack ProtectedTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack ProtectedTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = False ProtectedTextAttr.UseTextColor = False ProtectedTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False ProtectedTextAttr.UseHotBackgroundColor = True ProtectedTextAttr.AlsoUseForPrintout = False BookmarkTextAttr.Bold = tsIgnore BookmarkTextAttr.Italic = tsIgnore BookmarkTextAttr.DoubleUnderline = False BookmarkTextAttr.Underline = tsTRUE BookmarkTextAttr.StrikeOut = tsIgnore BookmarkTextAttr.SuperScript = tsIgnore BookmarkTextAttr.SubScript = tsIgnore BookmarkTextAttr.Hidden = False BookmarkTextAttr.UnderlineColor = clGreen BookmarkTextAttr.TextColor = clBlack BookmarkTextAttr.BackgroundColor = clBlack BookmarkTextAttr.UseUnderlineColor = True BookmarkTextAttr.UseTextColor = False BookmarkTextAttr.UseBackgroundColor = False XOffset = 0 YOffset = 141 ProtectedProp = [ppProtected, ppHidden] WriteBitmapMode = wbmDIBBitmap WriteObjectMode = wobDependingOnObject DefaultFont.Color = clNone DefaultFont.BKColor = clNone DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Size = 11 DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultFont.UseBKColor = False DBCSMode = [] Align = alClient BorderStyle = bsNone ColorDesktop = clBtnShadow MaxLength = 0 ParentColor = False PopupMenu = PopupBody ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True WantTabs = True DragAndDropSupport = True end end object PnlToolbar2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 547 Height = 29 Align = alTop TabOrder = 1 object Lbl1: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 6 Width = 67 Height = 16 Caption = '&Signatures:' Transparent = True end object BtnOpen: TSpeedButton Left = 276 Top = 4 Width = 47 Height = 22 Caption = '&Open' OnClick = BtnOpenClick end object BtnSave: TSpeedButton Left = 324 Top = 4 Width = 47 Height = 22 Caption = 'S&ave' OnClick = BtnSaveClick end object cbStyled: TCheckBox Left = 386 Top = 7 Width = 158 Height = 17 Caption = 'Save with formatting' TabOrder = 1 end object cbSigs: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 86 Top = 3 Width = 185 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = False Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'cbSigs' end end object PnlToolbar3: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 178 Width = 547 Height = 29 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 3 Visible = False DesignSize = ( 547 29) object BtnCancel: TSpeedButton Left = 340 Top = 2 Width = 72 Height = 26 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] Caption = 'Cancel' OnClick = BtnCancelClick end object BtnSavePrint: TSpeedButton Left = 414 Top = 2 Width = 132 Height = 26 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] Caption = '&Save Changes' OnClick = BtnSavePrintClick end object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 148 Height = 26 Caption = '&Use Default Template' OnClick = SpeedButton1Click end end object PopupBody: TPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual Left = 88 Top = 165 object Undo1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Undo' OnClick = Undo1Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Cut1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cu&t' OnClick = Cut1Click end object Copy1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' OnClick = Copy1Click end object Paste1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Paste' OnClick = Paste1Click end object SelectAll1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select &All' OnClick = SelectAll1Click end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object InsertSpecials1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Insert &Specials' object Fullname1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Full name' OnClick = Fullname1Click end object Email1: TMenuItem Caption = '&E-mail' OnClick = Email1Click end object Account1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Acc&ount' OnClick = Account1Click end object CurrentTime1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Current Ti&me' OnClick = CurrentTime1Click end object CurrentDate1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Current Dat&e' OnClick = CurrentDate1Click end object DateandTime1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Date a&nd Time' OnClick = DateandTime1Click end object DayoftheWeek1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Day of the &Week' OnClick = DayoftheWeek1Click end object AccountTag1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Acco&unt Tag' OnClick = AccountTag1Click end object RandomLinefromaFile1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Random Line from a File' OnClick = RandomLinefromaFile1Click end object ContentsofaFile1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Contents of a File' OnClick = ContentsofaFile1Click end end end object OpenTag: TOpenDialog Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*' Left = 330 Top = 148 end object XMLInterface: TWPXMLInterface HTMLMode = True StyleSheets = <> Encoding = 'windows-1250' Left = 302 Top = 111 end object StyleCollection: TWPStyleCollection Styles = <> SaveToStreamFormat = wpSaveCSSFormat AssignDefaultAttr = True Left = 382 Top = 111 end end